(Week 2) Nickelodeon and NYU team up and sue Nishant Amad and Charlie for Copyright Infringement

Our group creatd Mockbob. It replaces normal text on a page with spONgeBoB mOCkiNG tExT, deepfries images, and changes the font. All p, a, and h tags that contain the chosen text are mocked. If the user doesn’t specify text, it defaults to ‘NYU’ and ‘New York University’. Working as a group was easy: we created a repo, uploaded some code, then worked until it was finished. The work was distributed well, I mostly did the the javascript, Nishant worked on the graphics/css/html, and Amad worked on the github. There was little code overlap.

I learned how successful a group can be with effective distrubution of labor. Each person’s contribution was high quality work, so there was no need to spend time working on another’s contribution. We experienced very little merge pain for this reason. All branches we worked on generally used different parts of the project, so there was only one instance when two branches changed one piece of code.

I learned more about javascript, regex, and manipulating images with css. I realized I work well when there’s nobody checking my work, because if it breaks it’s all on me. I didn’t do much at all to manipulate how the page looked; Nishant did a great job on aesthetics. Nishant showed me ubuntu workspace hotkeys, so that was cool to learn.

I really liked the project that created a table of contents; I could see myself using that extension. I also got a kick out of the nicholas cage project that turned all images into ones of nicholas cage. It seems that most groups had a similar program scope, but some definitely turned out better than others. I really liked the way the dice roll / coin flip project turned out. The interface was smooth. I didn’t realize how much emphasis would be put on making the projects fully FLOSS and making sure that all the legal stuff was taken care of. We probably broke some law when we used spongebob’s image in our extension, but I don’t think anyone will come after us.

Written before or on February 10, 2019