
Week 3:

For the group extension project, I was not very familiar with CSS or HTML so I helped in debugging the JavaScript to make sure our weather forewast would work correctly. I also helped brainstorm what kind of idea we could do and write up the documentation towards the end. I learend from this activity that firstly there is a lot of work that goes into an open source project besides just coding and it is all very important. I also learned that everyone has different skill sets, and communication is EXTREMELY important when it comes down to who is doing what. Because some people have strengths in certain coding langauages others might not have. I definitely learned some cool things about JS and how you can use it to create extensions, as I am currently taking a class on JavaScript and we are learning to program a simple web server using .net modules. Overall this was a very eye opening experience and I want to take on a more challenging project in the future if time allocates for it, as it would further my knowledge and expand my curiosity. Other groups had very interesting projects and some groups clearly had put a lot of effort and it showed. Honestly some of the other groups had really genuine extensions which I thought could be quite practical to some folks. Thank you all again for reading my blog post, I hope that this had shed some more light about myself.

Written before or on February 16, 2020