OpenFoodFacts Contributions
In the last week, my group and I made significant progress in our contributions to OpenFoodFacts. We finished up on a new dark mode feature. During a group meeting, we divided up the roles and responsibilities for each member. I was responsible of working on the CSS file that changes the website’s style and layout. I am very new to CSS and HTML, making working on this project challenging at first. The biggest challenge was not writing code that works but reading and understanding already existing code that is a part of the project. We all had trouble finding the HTML files that created the website. After searching all files unable to identify the files we needed, I decieded to reach out to one of the administrators of the project. I found that the main files that builds the website was not a HTML file but a Perl file. I don’t know any Perl, and it was very challenging to understand what the code was doing. The file lack proper documentation/comments. After reading and syphering the code for hours, I was able to make the CSS files. Our goal to finish this feature was April 27, and we meet the goal. We opened a pull request to have our changes merge.