Week 4

Reflections on Project Evaluation in Class

With the activity in class I learned more about different interesting open-source projects that I might be potentially interested in contributing to. I thought it was interesting that the NSA has an open-source tool for reverse engineering software. The project that our group was assigned was Godot, an open-source game engine. Our project had extensive documentation and communities across most major platforms. I learned more in-depth what the purpose of the CONTRIBUTING and CODE-OF-CONDUCT files were for and why there are important to open-source projects.

Reflections on Bloomberg Talk

I thought the speaker made interesting points regarding open-source software, but most of the information was not new to me as I interned at Bloomberg over the last summer. I thought it was interesting the extent of which open-source software has replcaed closed-source proprietary software within Bloomberg.

Written before or on February 29, 2020