Week 6

Reflections on Project Evaluation

I thought there were many project evaluations that had projects that I would potentially like to work on. I know what I want to work on a project that is in Java, JavaScript, or Python since those are the languages that I am most familiar in. A project that I found interesting was OpenStates, I have an interest in politics and government so this would is a project that I would like to make contributions to. One con about the project is that their issues seems to be mostly be dealing with web scraping errors resulting from states changing the format in which they display information on legislation. While the work is important I don’t think it is as intersting as adding new features to a project.

Reflections on Vicky Steeve’s Talk

I thought like the last time she spoke, Vicky provided useful information on open source data. Ever since I’ve started learning and using Git, it had always been along with Github so I thought it was intersting when she talked about why different people, companies, organizations choose to use alternatives to Github like Gitlab. I also thought it was interesting that people were working on a decentralized source control system so that there is no single point of failure that can take down everyone’s repositories like if Github were to go down.

Written before or on March 8, 2020