what we are doing with our projects
In class on Monday, we had another round of project stand-up report. There was no class on Wednesday, and we used that time to have a group meeting on Gatsby。
progress without our group projects
In Monday’s lecture, we had another round of stand up reports on our projects. It is particularly useful in this stage to know what each group is working on to check that we are making similar progress with our peers. I notice some big difference in the types of contribution each group is making. Some groups are focusing on making code contributions, editing current codes and fixing bugs, while some other groups mainly did documentation and translation contributions. I believe that there is no way to compare these two forms of contributions, as they are both very meaningful in their own perspective. Though code contributions might be more complicated, translation and documentation is very important to a project. Also, translation is a good way for a foreign language speaker to contribute to a project. If there’s chance that a contributor speaks a rare language, I think it is definitely a good idea for him/her to help with translation
Inspirations from Monday
After hearing the reports from all groups, I was inspired by my peers. Specifically, the reports helped me to see different ways to contribute and efficient ways to communicate. For example, one of my classmates mentioned that she did lots of translation work in the past two weeks, and this reminds me to check Gatsby‘a translation tasks. I am fluent in both traditional and simplified Chinese, and luckily I did find some pages of Gatsby that still need to be translated into Chinese. I signed up to translate one of the shorter pages to see if I’m capable of completing the task. Hopefully, I would be able to submit a pull request this weekend and find more translation tasks for the future.
Our progress with Gatsby issues
We had some conversation with maintainers of Gatsby about the current issue we are working on. We originally was fixing a problem that when clients pass in a too large of a page context, a warning should be threw to let the clients know. However, after updating the code and sending in a pull request, the maintainer told us that if many pages are passed in with all of their context too big, the client would be receiving too many warnings. They want us to try throwing a warning only once. So we need to find a way to check all page-data.Json files in the outer shell. One of the group members suggested that we could do this in the cache, where we load the pages. We are not sure about the consequences, so we signed up for a meeting to double check with the maintainers.
Other issues we are working on
Since we had not made much progress with the “page-context-warning” issue, we want to include another issue into our workflow. So this meeting, we picked a different issue to start working on as well. To make our life more interesting, we picked a harder issue than the one that we are currently struggling with. Though the workload is bigger, it seems more straight-forward and hopefully we could have our first pull merged this weekend.