Week 13 - Presentations

This week we have presentations on our open source project contributions. This weekend we were suprised to see that the idea that one of our group members had set out for us to work on had been completed by the project’s main contributer. Furthermore he even expanded greatly on the functionality of the proposed change. We had proposed to add a counter to give more information regarding the complexity of one’s program. The counter would give how many “knots” (essentially parts) that one’s story contains, allowing the writer to gauge how much more or less needs to be added to flesh out their story. The main contributer added both this, and any other type of quantitative counter possible in the inky writing environment. While this leaves us at a roadblock again in terms of contributions, it is cool to see the idea one of our members had figured out so greatly expanded on, to the point where the maintainer of the project decided to implement a better way of getting the data of one’s story, and edited the ui of the environment itself to foster this. Crazy stuff honestly. We have some ideas of expanding this concept past what the maintainer had built, but we will not be able to figure this out before our presentations as he has not merged his changes to the main branch yet. Hopefully we will figure this out soon though!

Written before or on May 3, 2020