This past week was the first week that we started contributing to our final projects. It also is the second week of online classes. The first week of online classes was pretty rough since it was such a different environment. I was so used to always going to the library to study since I know that if I stay at home I would be way too distracted all the time. Now, my room is both the classroom, library, and sleeping area so sometimes its hard to differentiate them. Especially differentiating sleeping time with studying time. I found myself constantly tired and wanting to crawl back into bed and not getting out. However, with the second week I am a lot more used to this situation and my body is less tired than before. I don’t mind doing online classes anymore, but the biggest drawback is having the distraction of my parents doing stuff around the apartment. Other than that, life with online classes is getting easier. Okay, lets get into the contributions now.