Week 12:Project Report and Coronavirus Projects


This week our group presented our report on the project, Inky, because we didn’t get to present the week before due to time. We explained our initial project (Godot) and why we decided to swap to Inky as well as our community interactions with the developers and our next steps. The active community and the pool of issues we could choose from all contributed to our decision to choose this project.

Coronavirus Projects

As for the Coronavirus open source efforts, I chose to report on a open source resource list for potential Coronavirus github projects that anybody could pick and choose from. It was much like the shared pad we made in class except on a much larger scale with hundreds of different projects, all categorized by type of project and ordered by popularity. I could even find some of the projects my classmates chose on the list which was pretty interesting.

Written before or on April 19, 2020